Think Before You Send
The process of communication is getting easier with each passing year. We have electronic devices that allow us to instantly connect with anyone in the world. While we all know that technology has many positive effects, it can also present many challenges. Some of us share information that can lead to bullying, loss of privacy, and dangerous situations. The advice provided by our peers in this pamphlet can help us avoid many of these problems.
Advice From Our Peers:
- Always think before you share something with the world. If you are about to share something online, think about how it may affect your future. Would your parents like you sharing it with the world? If not, don’t share, because it can affect and be dangerous to your life. –Julie W.
- Don’t tell anyone where you live, or your current location. –Anonymous
- Don’t use the same password. –Anonymous
- Only take pictures of people who allow you to do so. –Nicole G.
- Art by Julie Wong
- When you are using devices you should know who you are playing or texting with. Also, know if the website you are visiting is appropriate. For example, if it ends with: .com it is for commercial registrants, .net it is for network providers and .edu it is for education. –Sandi K.
- If someone is bothering you in any way, block them whatever way you can. If they continue to annoy and bully you, ignore them, spend all the time you can with your friends and report it to adults. – Anonymous
- Don’t post something on the Internet that you can’t take back. –Anonymous
- If you are not comfortable with someone online, go to your Mom, Dad, or Guardian.—Anonymous
- Don’t text an unknown number. - Sabrina S.
- If any strangers try to approach you online, be sure not to answer any personal questions. They could be predators.—Amber A.
- If anybody online makes rude comments towards you, unfriend them right away. - Anonymous
- Think before you act. Read what you would send to see if it would hurt someone else’s feelings. - Anonymous
- To be safe, make all accounts private. Be respectful; don’t say things that could be offensive to someone. –Sophia W.
- Don’t answer to anyone that you do not know. Do not easily give out your email address or contact number. Think before you post.—Anonymous
- Be safe online and don’t say anything you will regret in the future. -Maria S.
- Don’t post foul language or nudity. You are a representative of your family. -Christian R.
- Do not use phones in school and no Cyber-Bullying. Don’t hurt other people’s feelings. -Xavier M.
- Don’t post anything inappropriate. What you send out on the Internet stays there. Even if you delete a statement or a picture it still stays there. -Isabella P.
- Don’t give out private information or passwords to people, not even your friends, because it might not be who you think it is. -Naveah N.
- If you wouldn't want it sent to you, don’t send it to others. –Gianna P.
- Think before you send! You may regret it in the end. –Taylor F.
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