New York State English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics tests for students in grades 3-8 are now available

The results of the New York State English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics tests for students in grades 3-8 administered this past spring are now available. Given the impact of Covid-19 resulted in the 2020 tests being cancelled and optional participation in spring 2021, this may be the first time for many of you to receive state test results for your child(ren). These tests are designed to provide a snapshot of how your child is performing against NYS learning standards and expectations for their grade level.  It is important to remember that these tests are just one of several measures we use to assess student progress: grades, report cards, writing samples, projects, assignments, and other performance-based student work are equally important.  

You can access the results through the NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) portal. You can view the results in the “My Student” page. Your account must be linked to your child in order to view this information. If you need support accessing the portal or would like to create an account, you can check out the resources here or contact <insert parent coordinator name and contact info>. We will be glad to help you.  

Our staff is in the process of reviewing the results to help inform our planning for the upcoming school year. We will share more details on what this means in the fall.  

If you need any support accessing the scores, please let us know.