Parents » Parent Coordinator

Parent Coordinator

My name is Joann Turano, I am the Parent Coordinator at IS24.  I am incredibly excited to be in this position, and I will do everything in my power to help make your experience at IS24 a positive one.  All four of my own children attended IS24, and I was the PTA President here for 4 years.  I can confidently say from experience that this is one of the best middle schools in the city.  One of my primary roles is to be your parent advocate here at IS 24, and to actively facilitate a strong and productive relationship between the parents and the school. 


If you have any questions or concerns that cannot be addressed by your child's teacher, dean, assistant principal, or guidance counselor, I am available throughout the school day.  I can be reached at (718) 982-4700 option 1 or at [email protected].   I am so happy that we have been able get back to in-person learning, and I am looking forward to a healthy and productive school year!


Joann Turano
Parent Coordinator
Myra S. Barnes IS 24
750 Durant Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10308
718-982-4700 X2402